Port Richey Washout, Termite Pretreatment, And Termite Bond Services

Office Address

3950 Anchuca Dr # 11



Toll Free: 1-800-345-4436


Concrete Washout

Our Port Richey location offers same-day service, Florida Construction BMP (washout pans and bins meet Storm Water Compliance Permits; LEED building reports provided) and the largest capacity concrete washout dumpsters in the industry.


Termite Treatment For New Construction

Our Port Richey location offers traditional liquid soil and BORA-CARE pretreatment, along with 24/7 same-day service, GPS-tracked trucks for guaranteed 3-hour response, follow-up visits for patios, driveways and final grade treatment per code.


Termite Bond

What is a termite bond? It’s an agreement between termite insurance companies and property owners which provides protection against termite infestations. Diligent provides Port Richey property managers with Total Termite Protection.